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Bloodborne - Trophy Guide - How to get the Trophy Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen

Today is Trophy Thursday! We are going to start it off with our first Soulsborne trophy:

Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen

How can I complete this trophy?
You will need to defeat Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen in the Great Pthumeru Ihyll Chalice Dungeon.

Where can I complete this trophy?
Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen can be found in the Great Pthumeru Ihyll Chalice Dungeon.
You will encounter Yharnam at the end of Great Pthumeru Ihyll Chalice Dungeon on the Third Layer.
To get to the Great Pthumeru Ihyll Chalice dungeon you need to create and complete the following six different Chalice Dungeons.

Check the guide below how to get there the fastest.

Pthumeru Chalice Dungeon - Depth: 1
This chalice drops from the Blood-starved Beast that can be found in Old Yharnam.
You will need the following materials and Blood Echoes.
Ritual Blood (1): x2
Blood Echoes: x1000
Ritual Blood (1) Locations
Two can be found Old Yharnam in the building with hanging beast remains in Old Yharnam.
They can also be purchased for 2500 Blood Echoes from the Messengers in Hunter's Dream after defeating Blood-starved Beast.
Ritual Blood (1) Farming Spot
You don't need to farm these since you can buy them from the messengers after you get your first chalice anyways.

Central Pthumeru Chalice Dungeon - Depth: 2
This chalice drops from Watch Dog of the Old Lords which is the last boss of Pthumeru Chalice.
You will need the following materials and Blood Echoes.
Ritual Blood (2): x6
Blood Echoes: x1800
Ritual Blood (2) Locations
These can be found inside Depth 1 and Depth 2 Chalice Dungeons and are also dropped from Snathers (this big ones with bags) inside Chalice Depth 1 or 2 Dungeons.
They can also be purchased for 2500 Blood Echoes from the Messengers in Hunter's Dream after completing Lower Pthumeru Chalice
Ritual Blood (2) Farming Spot
Just keep making Depth 1 Dungeons or create a Depth 1 Root dungeon (better loot here) until you have 6 of them.

Lower Pthumeru Chalice Dungeon - Depth: 3
This chalice drops from Pthumerian Descendant which is the last boss of Pthumeru Chalice.
You will need the following materials and Blood Echoes.
Ritual Blood (3): x9
Blood Echoes: x3200
Ritual Blood (3) Locations
Ritual Blood (3) can be found inside Depth 2 and Depth 3 Chalice Dungeons.
They can also be purchased for 12000 Blood Echoes from the Messengers in Hunter's Dream after completing Defiled Chalice and obtaining the Great Pthumeru Ihyll Chalice.
Ritual Blood (3) Farming Spot
Keep making Depth 2 or 3 (Root) Dungeons until you have 9 of them. You usually don't need to farm since you will already have more than 9 after you have done the previous dungeons.

Ailing Loran Chalice Dungeon - Depth: 4
This chalice drops from Amygdala in Nightmare Frontier.
You will need the following materials and Blood Echoes.
Ritual Blood (4): x9
Coldblood Flowerbud: x4
Blood Echoes: x5500
Coldblood Flowerbud Locations
All 4 Coldblood Flowerbud can be found in Nightmare Frontier
1 Coldblood Flowerbud can be found near the first giant you encounter before going to the poisonous swamp it is to the right.
1 Coldblood Flowerbud after the broken tombstone shortcut, this is the items Patches lures you off the cliff with.
2 Coldblood Flowerbuds can be found on small island in the middle of the poisonous swamp on a rocky mound near the center - it will be on a corpse.
You can also buy them from the Insight Bath Messengers after obtaining the Ailing Loran Chalice for 2 Insight.
Ritual Blood (4) Farming Spots
1) Keep making Depth 2 or 3 (Root) Dungeons until you have 9 of them. You usually don't need to farm since you will already have more than 9 after you have done the previous dungeons.
2) From the layer 2 lamp in the Lower Pthumeru Chalice, after unlocking the gate, go into the right side door in the hallway. Go forward and take the ladder up by the scorpion, To your left is a stairway with a Snatcher, and another at the top of those stairs. They both have a high chance of dropping.
3) Drops from Merciless Watcher in Lower Pthumeru Chalice. From the Layer 2 Lantern hop down the pit and continue through the archway, through the tunnel, turn right, climb the ladder, turn left. Continue across both bridges. In the next room is a Merciless Watcher that drops them.
4) They can also be purchased for 24000 Blood Echoes from the Messengers in Hunter's Dream after obtaining Yharnam Stone from Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen.

Defiled Chalice Dungeon - Depth: 4
This chalice drops from Bloodletting Beast which is the last boss of  Lower Pthumeru Chalice.
You will need the following materials and Blood Echoes.
This is by far the hardest dungeon because your hp will be reduced by 50%. 
The bosses themselves usually 1 or 2 shot you in this dungeon.
Ritual Blood (4): x9
Bastard of Loran: x2
Arcane Haze: x22
Blood Echoes: x5500
Bastard of Loran Locations
1) 4 can be found in Ailing Loran Chalice Dungeon (Layer 3), go to the the optional area between the main unlockable gate and the boss and finish the area they are 2 chests with 2 items each.
2) They can also be purchased from Insight Bath Messengers for 7 Insight in NG+.
3) Loran Silverbeasts in Lower Loran chalice dungeon also drop them. (Drop rate is pretty low, it would be faster if you would just grab the ones in the chests)
Ritual Blood (4) Farming Spots
See above for the farming spots.

Lower Loran Chalice Dungeon or Great Isz Chalice Dungeon - Depth: 5 
The Lower Loran Chalice drops from Abhorrent Beast which is the last boss of  Ailing Loran Chalice.
The Great Isz Chalice drops from Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos in the Upper Cathedral Ward. 
You need to do one of these dungeons for the x2 Red Jelly to create Great Pthumeru Ihyll Chalice.
I would suggest to go for Lower Loran Chalice Dungeon since you will already have this Chalice if you have followed this guide. You will also need less materials - you won't need Arcane Haze.
The Great Isz is much easier though because it is shorter and has some easier bosses and enemies.
Ritual Blood (5): x9
Blooming Coldblood Flower: x4 (Lower Loran Chalice Dungeon) or Pearl Slug x3 (Great Isz Chalice Dungeon)
Arcane Haze: x25 (Great Isz Chalice Dungeon only)
Blood Echoes: x11500
Blooming Coldblood Flower Locations
If you have completed the Ailing Loran Chalice Dungeon completely you will have 6 of them already.
If you have missed you should go back to Layer 3 of Ailing Loran Chalice Dungeon.
1) Head into the optional area between the main unlockable gate and the boss - climb the ladder and keep going straight.
You will end up outside on a bridge with leads to a hallway watch out for the hole in the hallway.
Head down the stairs open the door down there and you will enter a big room keep going straight again to end up on a bridge again.
Follow the bridge and upon entering the next (treasure) room, there will be a Silverbeast kill it and there will be three chests two of them containing x3 Blooming Coldblood Flower.
Pearl Slug Locations
1) One can be found inside a chest on Lower Floors of the Byrgenwerth building.
2) Two can be found in Upper Cathedral Ward, inside the building near the patrolling Brainsucker.
3) You can also buy them from the Insight Bath Messengers after obtaining the Great Isz Chalice for 3 Insight
Ritual Blood (5) Farming Spots
1) x3 Ritual Blood (5) can be found in the Upper Cathedral Ward (Grand Hall) near the locked main door (Which unlocks when  you have the Orphanage Key).
2) They can be also found inside Depth 4 Chalice Dungeons (you will usually have enough to open these dungeons by doing the previous chalices (Specially Defiled Chalice Dungeon))
3) You can also go to the Layer One Lamp in Ailing Loran Chalice go right in the big room, behind the ladder there is a tunnel that leads to a room with a Werewolf and a small chest with x2 Ritual Blood (5). Hunter's Mark out and search for another online dungeon. Repeat (You can do this unlimited)
4) They can also be purchased for 48000 Blood Echoes from the Messengers in Hunter's Dream after completing Lower Pthumeru Chalice

Great Pthumeru Ihyll Chalice - Depth: 5
After you have done all the previous Chalice dungeons in this guide you will finally be able to open the Great Pthumeru Ihyll Chalice You will need the following materials.

This chalice drops from Amygdala which is the last boss of  Defiled Chalice.
You will need the following materials and Blood Echoes.

Ritual Blood (5): x9
Red Jelly: x4
Arcane Haze: x25
Living String: x1
Blood Echoes: x11500
Red Jelly Locations
1) There are x2 in a chest in the Lecture Building (1st Floor) near the door to the Nightmare Frontier.
You can get x1 in Lower Loran Layer 2 and x1 Lower Loran Layer 3 or x2 in Great Isz Layer 3.
2) You will be able to buy them from the Insight Bath Messengers after placing the Pthumeru Ihyll Chalice for 5 Insight.
Living String Location
1) You will need to kill Brain of Mensis(Mother Brain) for this. You can get to Brain of Mensis in Nightmare of Mensis (It is the one that is causing the frenzy throughout the zone)
Go to the Mensis: Middle Loft Lamp and get into the cage elevator.There is a window you can jump into while the elevator goes up or down.
On the bridge there will be 3 Winter Lanterns, kill them or using the terrain and sedatives to avoid Frenzy from their gaze.
In the building, run past the spiders with human heads and descend the stairs. Pull the lever on the balcony and you will get a cut-scene that drops the Brain of Mensis into the abyss.
Go back to the building with the Mergo Attentands (the small black humanoid creatures that don't attack you) go to the bottom floor with the big holes/gaps in the floor and ride the elevator that is located on the right side. You will descend in pitch black area where the Brain of Mensis is just sitting there to be killed. Kill it and you will get the Living String.
Don't forget to do the "Make Contact" gesture to get an Tier 3 Moon Caryll Rune!
2) You will be able to buy them from the Insight Bath Messengers after obtaining the one from Brain of Mensis(Mother Brain) for 10 Insight.
Arcane Haze Location
At this point of the game Blood Echoes are pretty easy to get by in Depth 4 or 5 dungens, so what works best is to just buy Ritual Blood (1) and extract the Arcane Haze.
For each Ritual Blood (1) you will extract 2 Arcane Haze.

Complete the Pthumeru Ihyll Chalice dungeon and the trophy is yours!

Good luck Hunter!
Bloodborne - Trophy Guide - How to get the Trophy Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen Bloodborne - Trophy Guide - How to get the Trophy Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen Reviewed by Mokatari on Thursday, November 03, 2016 Rating: 5

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